I know that there is nothing better for men than to be happy and do good while they live. That everyone may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all his toil—this is the gift of God.
Ecclesiastes 5:18-19

Saturday, May 2, 2009


We have had such a great time during this t-ball season. Abbie has done so well and Trever, well, I will say he is just now starting to enjoy it now that it's coming to an end. Have I mentioned that my hubby is a great coach? These kids just love him and Ray. They have done so well coaching. I have thoroughly enjoyed being dug-out mom to all 11 kids. I'm so thankful that Dawn was dug-out mom with me. We actually had several parents volunteer to help out as well. We've only lost 3 games and the kids have had a blast!!! We've laughed, cried, wiped snotty noses (not my own children's noses), and screamed to the top of our lungs in excitement for these little munchkins. I'm somewhat sad that I will be saying good-bye to these prescious little ones. I've grown to love them as though they are my own. It's been a blessing to watch them all get to know each other and I hope somehow they remember us as showing kindness and love. It has been an honor to serve these children in our community.
I'm posting some pictures from our last game and some pictures of fans. We had a great night and ended at Beef O Brady's with our extended family. I forgot to change my date on my camera when I changed the batteries. How irritating that the date is wrong.........


Leslie said...

Looks like a fun time. I love that all the kids are growing up together and are always there for support. How lovely!

Jeanne said...

Those pictures are great! Sweet Trever & Lij...forever surrounded by the ladies!

The Cannon Chronicles said...

Wow, some cute pictures! Your children are making memories that will last forever! It's so neat that you & Jeff get to be a part of it.

lori said...

Awe I so wish mine would give baseball a try, but we will forever be soccer peeps.

Cute pictures